We all have talents and when we discover them, the first thought that crosses our minds is how to become the Aurora Borealis in the northern skies or the Aurora Australis in the southern skies. In other words, we begin to aspire to be a star or to produce the latest blockbusters. With time, we forget to sharpen our potential and make the rewards that are accompanied with our skills our focal point. Sooner or later, we are compelled to go back to square one and follow the step-by-step processes the Universe has laid down for "blowing". Life is in gradual phases, we take a step before another.
As much as we would like to, these phases/steps can't be jumped. If you attempt it, you may achieve your goal but trust me, it won't last long and you will always be forced to come back and start from scratch. To save yourself the stress and bitterness of laying the foundations again after the building has collapsed; it is advisable you tread the path to your success step by step.
Another thing I will like to highlight is that whatever you do; Heaven and the universe pay attention to it. Biblically, there are three who bear record in Heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost and there are three that bear witness in earth: the Spirit, the water and the blood. These statements prove beyond reasonable doubt that our deeds are being recorded and we will be rewarded accordingly when it is time.
So, always have it in mind that your individual skills and gifts are not random. Currently, it may seem like your skills promises you no future of sustenance or fulfillment but if you persevere with it, the sun will soon shine on you. Whatever you have or whoever you are is not purposeless and not by accident. The Creator is not famed for making mistakes or producing things by accident, He intentionally designs every of his handiworks.
Even if humans fail to acknowledge you, Mother earth does and with time, she will align the people in her towards your direction. So, keep on writing, do not stop singing, never get tired of studying extensively, the payoff won't fail to come and when it does, Providence will make sure it comes in multiple folds.
Your existence was not intended to be a waste of water and blood, and if you remain consistent, the dreams in your galaxy will come alive.
Oyindamola Grace Osinubi is an enthusiastic reader and a prolifically skilled writer who have an unquenchable passion for knowledge. She loves digging deep into history and studying the ways of living things in the universe apart from humans. Tourism flows in her blood and she’s not shy of making new friends. You can connect with her via [email protected] or 09086385550.
Featured Image: eFrontlearning
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