Top 3 Reasons SMEs Need Registered Business Name

If you're really serious about making huge money as a business owner or entrepreneur in Nigeria, then you should as a matter of NEED have a REGISTERED BUSINESS NAME with the corporate affairs commission.

Top 3 Reasons You Should Use a REGISTERED Business Name

The main reason for doing business is to make money and the best way to have more business reach, make more profits, and make more money is ONLY by having and using a REGISTERED Business Name for your business or small medium enterprise.

Here's why:

Top 3 Reasons You Should Use a REGISTERED Business Name

  1. With a REGISTERED Business Name, you can get a NAIRA CORPORATE BANK ACCOUNT

If you look forward to making millions in your business, then you definitely need a REGISTERED business name for your business firm or small medium enterprise.

No serious business or organization will transact millions with an UN-registered business or company!

2. With a REGISTERED Business Name, you can get a DOLLAR CORPORATE BANK ACCOUNT

If you aim to expand your business reach beyond the borders of Nigeria, for a wider audience and make more profits and money, then, you MUST have a REGISTERED business name.

How lovely is it to earn in US dollars!?

Sweet, right? πŸ˜‹

3. Trust, Credibility, and Respect!

This can't be overemphasized or over-flogged.

I once lost a client who insisted he can't transact business with a NON-registered company!

As a matter of fact, most big businesses and organizations won't trust or respect you or your business, if you don't use a REGISTERED BUSINESS NAME!

How do you Register Your Business Name with Corporate Affairs Commission?

Now, to get started:

1. Send a WhatsApp message to Zeezy (Wertvoll Intergrated Enterprise) on:

2. Remember to tell her Taofeeq (The Generalissimo Media) introduced her to you.

3.  Tell her I asked her to give you a discount πŸ˜‹

About Taofeeq AZEEZ

Taofeeq AZEEZ is a leading web consultant

Taofeeq AZEEZ is a leading web consultant, based in Nigeria. He was trained by Google, HubSpot Marketing, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), and many others.

He founded The Generalissimo Media in 2016, a platform he has been using to utilize advanced web-based solutions to help businesses easily achieve their business and marketing goals.

Connect with him quickly via:

Call/SMS: +234 (0) 706-553-3549

WhatsApp: (+2347065533549)

Telegram: (The Generalissimo)

Facebook Messenger: (Taofeeq AZEEZ)

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