Be The Best You Can Be Organized By Macroskopes And Youlibry


The 9th of October was like every other day. It was however special for over fifty young Nigerians- students of Gloryland secondary schools, Idimu Council, Lagos because on this day they were encouraged and shown how-to be the best. 

The programme tagged BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE was organized by Macroskopes in conjunction with Youlibry and had a singular purpose to inspire the young students to aspire to be the best, not only in the current academic term, but in life. The Programme started some minutes before 12:00pm with opening prayers and by 12:10pm, Mr. Ekundayo Moyo came up to the dais to give the keynote speech of the day.

Be The Best You Can Be Organized By Macroskopes And Youlibry
Mr. Ekundayo Moyo
From the beginning of the speech, Mr. Ekundayo Moyo captured the attention of the students with the catchphrase, “who are you, a success or a flop?” To this, the students replied, “Listen sir, I am a success, I’m not a flop.” He parleyed this well and got all the students shouting their lungs out. The strategy was that as these students repeated the phrase again and again, it would help them to connect with whatsoever would be told them weeks after they had been told.

Mr. Ekundayo divided the class into three categories, students who are on top of the class, those who are average and others who are at the bottom of the class. To the three categories of students, his message was the same – be the best that you can be.

He outlined a number of obstacles that had hindered the students from reaching the best of their potential including, lack of discipline, lack of concentration in class, too much TV, youthful exurberance to mention a few. He was so practical that at a point the students were rolling in laughter, as just as soon as the hall was quiet, they were listening with rapt attention.

The speech ended with the stories of individuals who had deferred the odds to become the best. At least one of these individuals fell under the three categories Mr. Ekundayo had divided the class into. He narrated the story of Ben Carson, Richard Bradson, Robert Kiyosaki, and Ludwig Bethoven. The speaker did not leave the dais until he had asked the question, “who are you, a success or a flop?” The reply from the students was loud enough to blow off the roof.

The need for such program was to solve the poor motivation towards hard work and greatness which is greatly experience and has caused a lot of young ones from derailing from the path to greatness seeking shortcuts. Macroskopes and Youlibry, the organizers of the event are looking at creative ways they could employ so that the steam they had kindled will not be put out in so short a time. The sustenance of the project is of utmost priority to the organizers, to that effect, there are plans to make the event come up every session in as many schools as possible in Lagos state.

By 1:00pm, the programme was drawn to a close. By this time, the participants of the events had gotten more than they had bargained for. This was visible on their faces and in their repeated “Thank You Sir”s.

EKUNDAYO MOYOSOLUWA, is a graduate of statistics from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, he heads Macroskopes- a NGO that offers solution to the growing decadence of education structure In Nigeria and also offers educational consultancy services. Moyo currently lives in Lagos. Contact : [email protected] , 08136181285. 

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