Big Brother Africa will not be coming up this year, according to sources. The cancellation of the annual reality show may be due to inability of the organizers of the show, AfricaMagic and Endemol to get sponsorship for the show.
Manager of Multi Choice Ghana, Anne Sackey, in an exclusive interview confirmed to “Razz Newspaper" that ‘they at Multi Choice Ghana have received notice from MNET that this year’s edition of Big Brother Africa will not come hold.
She explained that MNET did not give reasons the show won't be staged this year, but then, she personally thinks
“it’s due to sponsorship constraints".
“They didn’t give us any reason though, but I think it’s mainly because of cash constraints as we all know the show is very expensive to put up” she said.
Anne Sackey continued that since the organizers don’t have a constant annual headline sponsor (s) for the show, it becomes difficult sometimes getting sponsors.
“They don’t have fix sponsors on the show. Every year the sponsor changes, sometimes it’s CocaCola, sometimes MTN and other companies from Ghana have sponsored before” - she noted.
When interrogated further to give more details on whether this is a publicity stunt or not, she stated
that MNET is a separate company and that they have their target and strategies so until they write to them, she can’t answer any more questions on their behalf.
On record, last year around this time of the year in Ghana, Big Brother Africa’s audition had ended and early August, the organizers of the show had rejected the Ghanaian candidates selected to represent Ghana at the contest – on reported
grounds of Ebola and Visa acquisition issues.
By September ending Organizers of the Big Brother Africa reality show announced M’amand Kacey Moore to replace the representatives
Source: Secret Bills
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